über 2000 Jahre alte chinesische Steinplatten in einem konfuzianischen Kloster
über 2000 Jahre alte chinesische Steinplatten in einem konfuzianischen Kloster

Giovanni Maciocia Tabletten

TT73 Arouse Power
TT14 Bend Bamboo                       
TT65 Benefit the Sinews
TT17 Break into a Smile
TT66 Breaking Clouds
TT74 Bright Spirit
TT06 Brighten the Eyes                   
TT13 Brocade Sinews
TT75 Buddha’s Hand
TT37 Calm the Shen
TT38 Central Mansion
TT35 Chemo Support
TT05 Children's Herbal Sentinel
TT67 Clear Channels
WT43 Clear empty-heat and cool Menses
TT24 Clear Lustre
TT82 Clear Metal
TT39 Clear Qi
WT44 Clear the Moon                 
WT45 Clear the Palace
TT16 Clear the Root
TT27 Clear the Soul
TT40 Clear Yang
WT46 Cool the Menses
TT21 Drain Fields
TT41 Drain Fire
WT48 Drain Redness
WT47 Drain the Jade Valley
WT31 Ease the Journey - Yang
WT30 Ease the Journey - Yin
TT20 Ease the Muscles                   
TT76 Expel Toxic Heat                     
TT34 Expel Wind-Cold
TT33 Expel Wind-Heat
WT49 Female Treasure
WT50 Free Flow
WT51 Free Flowing Sea
WT52 Freeing Constraint
WT32 Freeing the Moon
TT68 Freeing the Sun
TT07 Glorious Sea
WT53 Growing Jade
TT77 Harmonize the Centre                 
WT69 Harmonizing the Moon
WT54 Havenly Empress
TT03 Herbal Sentinel - Yang
TT04 Herbal Sentinel - Yin
WT55 Invigorate Blood & Stem the Flow
TT70 Invigorate the Root
TT10 Jade Screen
TT08 Jade Spring
TT42 Limpid Sea
TT01 Nourish the Root
TT15 Nourish the Root & Clear Wind
TT78 Nourish the Soul
WT56 Nourish Yin & Restrain the Flow
TT28 Open the Heart
TT25 Peaceful Sunset
WT57 Penetrating Vessel
WT58 Planting Seeds
WT59 Precious Sea
TT71 Prosperous Earth
TT36 Radio Support
TT18 Red Stirring
TT18 Red Stirring                                
TT26 Release Constraint
WT60 Restrain the Flow
TT72 Ringing Metal
TT29 Root the Spirit
TT79 Searching Soul
TT22 Separate Clear and Turbid
TT80 Settling the Soul
TT09 Smooth Passage
TT12 Soothe the Centre
TT83 Soothe the Shen
WT19 Stir Field of Elixer
TT02 Strengthen the Root
TT11 Tonify Qi & Ease the Muscles
WT61 Unicorn Pearl
WT62 Warm the Mansion
WT63 Warm the Menses
WT64 Warm the Palace
TT81 Water Passages
TT23 Welcome Fragrance

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Herba Natura Harald Noll bv
Leopoldstraße 244
80807 München



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© Herba Natura Harald Noll bv [Herba Natura Harald Noll bv ist Mitglied im Deutschen Kräuter- und Gewürzhändlerverband e.V. zu Hamburg; Herba Natura Harald Noll bv is member of the German herb and spice merchants Association to Hamburg; Herba Natura Harald Noll bv est membre de l'herbe allemande et d'épices association des marchands de Hambourg; Herba Natura Harald Noll bv is lid van de Duitse kruiden en specerijen handelaren vereniging naar Hamburg.] Impressum * Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands in der Regel 24h laut DHL, Bestelleingang werktags bis 10, Uhr; keine Garantie !

